When we look at the data behind our Monday Huddle Ups, the ones that have some form of list do well. The open rate and share rates are higher on anything data or numbers related versus those that are less numerically based. With that in mind, our third book will be a compilation of lists.
While we are still crafting the last few pages of the new book, this week we share with you part of chapter two – “10 things to think about when building and leading an organization.” Here are five of my favorites from the chapter (we can’t give them all away, right?!?!?!).
Building an organization (in sports or otherwise) is an art form. There is no one way to do it that works in every instance.
Your mission and vision statements should be short and specific. They should say what you do and how you do it. Two sentences or less for each.
Strategic plans are great, however it’s rare that you can achieve everything in them. Prioritize the top three recommendations, attribute goals and timelines to them, and get rolling.
We like to work from what we call the “powers of three.” In anything we do, or recommend to those we serve, focus on three primary objectives. Any more and mission creep is likely to settle in.
You can’t be everything to everyone. Find a need, fill the void, and stay in your lane.
Okay, a bonus one……
#6...... Run your own race, let other people worry about theirs.
We hope these short snippets generate positive thoughts about how you lead those you serve this week.
Have a great week ahead, one of the best sports weeks of the year!