As the calendar turns to 2025, there are some common themes we see around this time of year. One of the big ones takes place at the gym. Every New Year people make fitness resolutions and our gym is packed with people trying to get in shape. More people mean less availability of equipment to use, less space to stretch or lift, you get the idea. More bodies in a fixed space makes for a not-so-great experience sometimes.
The challenge with these resolutions is that they rarely last. The gym will be packed for the first couple weeks of January, then slowly but surely, the crowds dissipate. By the start of February things will be back to normal. We see it every year, we know it’s coming, so we just patiently wait it out.
This annual resolution tradition begs the question…..
Why wait until New Year’s Eve to embark on something important?
We can choose to start a new journey any day we want to. We don’t need permission from the calendar to do so, we can get rolling at any moment in time. So what are we waiting for to launch into something positive?
What change can we make today for ourselves or our organizations that will serve us better in the future? I have a few for myself personally and our team at HUG certainly has a couple we could make as a group. There is always room for improvement.
So as I write this on December 26, 2024, I say why wait for the calendar to turn. Start something today. Start something important. And make sure it lasts well beyond a short-term resolution (those suck).